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At the AAAS news briefing in Boston, MA, UBC Professor Daniel Pauly joins Stanford's Barbara Block, World Wildlife Fund's Jose Ingles, and UBC Professor Rashid Sumaila in arguing that tuna may follow cod to possible extinction unless we change how we approach managing both migratory species and the broader ecosystem they inhabit. Pauly introduces the overall issues, Block argues that the "sushi economy" is pushing tuna to the brink of collapse, Ingles asks governments and NGO's to help protect juvenile tuna in the Coral Triangle by removing fish aggregation devices and implementing trans-boundary marine parks, and Sumaila posits the question, "Whose fish are we eating – ours or our grandchildrens'?", and says we must act now as if we are negotiating with future generations on catch levels in order to tackle the problem of overfishing. For more information on the AAAS Conference, visit www.ubc.ca/aaas. (Originally presented on 18-Feb-2008)